Our special expertise is the creation of spaces for healing and being healed for the sick and convalescent for their relatives and of course for all those working in these spaces whether in a medical nursing caring or other capaci ty These are special buildings We present here our recently completed work and a selection of projects in the planning stage healing The Karlsruhe Municipal Hospital is a maximum care facility and the largest hospital in the entire Middle Upper Rhine region For decades various modern clinic buildings have been gradually added to the campus which dates back to the Wilhelminian period and is largely protected as a listed ensemble of buildings An architectural competition in 2012 aimed to link all the different clinics into a state of the art new building for wards and functional units essential for inter disciplinary cooperation and for clear routing on the campus The award winning design for both urban development and the concept of the new centre House M was completed this year A modern and visionary main replacement building is under construction for the Kantonsspital Aarau one of the largest hospitals in Switzerland in which all cli nical areas will be brought together The winning project Triad emerged from a two stage general contractor competition and will be executed by a planning consortium with Burckhardt Partner Basel The ground breaking ceremony for the new building which is expected to be ready for occupancy in 2025 took place in August

Vorschau Jahrbuch 2021 - Englisch Seite 5
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