we are celebrating our anniversary year together with more than 160 employees in Frankfurt Dresden Munich and Basel For 50 years pioneers of hospital planning have grown into architects spanning gene rations who have dedicated themselves ambitiously and in partnership to the planning tasks of our time We are very much looking forward to the coming en counters with all the people who have accompanied us and our projects THANK YOU for the mutual and very successful cooperation all these years wtr50 is part of our Yearbook Series and as usual pro vides insights into our work of the past months We are extremely pleased to be able to present so many projects from such a diverse spectrum framed by two special buidlings created in the same city a place with biographical significance for our office planned at our two major office locations in Frank furt and Dresden and finally inaugurated almost si multaneously in our anniversary year 50 years after the founding of wörner traxler richter wtr50

Vorschau Jahrbuch 2021 - Englisch Seite 59
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